And there was, after a fashion. The letter was, quite literally, a “Dear John” break-up declaration. Last Sept. 2, Don Phillips sat down at his desk at the Mandalay banquet hall along the interstate just south of Dayton, Ohio, and composed an angry letter to the congressman from the adjoining district, the highest-ranking elected Republican in the country, then-House Speaker John Boehner. In 1971, another letter to another Republican congressman from Ohio: Jacqueline Kennedy wrote to William McCulloch to wish him well on his retirement from the House of Representatives. If your child wants a tree house to sleep in, a bunk bed customized with a trompe l’oeil rendering of leafy trees gives this childhood dream practical expression. The disruption that the nomination of Trump represents for the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower and Reagan has been cast as a freakish anomaly, the equivalent of the earthquakes that hit the other side of Ohio in recent years.
McCulloch, a country lawyer from tiny Piqua, just north of Dayton, was a conservative in the Old Guard mold that had defined Ohio Republicanism since Robert Taft: fiscally prudent, wary of foreign entanglement, twin cities remodeling even-keeled to the point of stodgy. The state had, after all, long prided itself on its history as a beacon of liberty: cross the Ohio River from Kentucky and you were free. The ferment they brought into the party throughout the state helped fuel the party’s big 2010 sweep of state offices, which in turn allowed it to control the decennial redistricting process. Caught in the middle, in a political no man’s land, were people who were at home in neither realm, descendants of conservative Democrats who had drifted from that party as it grew more culturally liberal and coastally oriented, yet who had formed only a tenuous connection with Republicans, one based more on grievance than ideology. This was not something that former first ladies did often – especially to members of the opposing party – but McCulloch was a special case.
Turner was the former mayor of Dayton and was elected to succeed Tony Hall after his 2002 retirement. Facing a primary challenge, he announced his retirement. A primary suite prices $25,000 to $160,000 if you’re changing an existing area or $100,000 to $200,000 for a new construct. Always keep an eye on comparable properties in your area when choosing potential improvements. What is underappreciated is how much that dynamic has played out even within regions, even within a single relatively small metropolitan area like Dayton. Meanwhile, Dayton’s outlying areas were both home to a much larger share of the region’s people and commerce and to a conservatism that was far more strident and monolithic than anything the area had known in decades past. Depending on the size of the house, a finished basement may include a multi-purpose space such as a family room or special-purpose rooms like a home gym or a bedroom apartment.
Just like that, he had managed to fuse anxiety over immigration with anxiety over Islamic terrorism into a single potent mass. So they first built these centrifuges, where you can spin people around and submit them to five G. But then the NASA human safety people said, we’re only going to allow you to do that, if you can monitor people’s heart rhythms while they are on the centrifuge. The Russians were actually Turks – specifically, what are known as Ahiska Turks, descendants of people who had migrated north centuries ago. No wonder people are so interested in TRUMP. I’m a Trump man and a lot of my family are Trump,” he said. I’m not just talking about book recommendations that prompt a request to be added to the collection. However, the account only began in the summer of 2022. Their inaugural TikTok featured a librarian finishing up a book display and then hiding behind a life-size cut-out of reading icon LeVar Burton as they proudly watch patrons picking up a book from said display. Queerency, gave a technical breakdown of why we love this account so much. Their account is even being studied. I feel that many might overlook this awesome piece of software even though the team behind actually have a great blog and are very good at telling about their animation project Masculine, made to test the engine.